UK Health Secretary Matt Hancock Loves Shakespearean Vaccine Theatre…

Shut down & shadow-banned on social media, the truth needs you to share it.

‘Now is the Winter of our discontent’, and their duplicity knows no bounds. UK Health secretary Matt Hancock clearly wasn’t let in early on the UK vaccine-theatre’s private joke about William Shakespeare.

It turns out that the first UK patient to get the vaccine was scripted to be called ‘Shakespeare’.

Destroyer of small business, and the mental health of millions of Britons, UK Health Secretary Matt Hancock simply couldn’t control himself when he saw the name William Shakespeare flash up on Piers Morgan’s ‘Good Morning Britain’ news ticker.

This was an in-joke, and Hancock clearly hadn’t been forewarned. The hilarity.

Maybe you’d be laughing too, if you were a central player in the looting of Billions from the UK Public Purse by companies selling unnecessary vaccines.

Watch for a minute & make up your own mind. At 10 seconds, Hancock has just seen the name ‘Shakespeare’, and he can’t keep it in…

If you needed any more proof that leaders across the world are gaslighting the world, now you have it.

With every passing day Covid-19 looks more like an IQ test. Through their arrogance and conceit we’ve been given the answers all year. Their official statistics show no excess deaths; bogus science underpins everything. Censorship of real experts is everywhere, and nonsense surrounds every official response measure to their ‘pandemic’.

There are now warnings of sterilisation issues on the vaccine packets, and coming directly from manufacturers.

Old Bill Shakespeare himself would have been proud of a plot based around sterilising the stupid to improve the human race. He might even throw in a eugenicist like vaccine-magnate Bill Gates as the villain, and a side story about making billions from a manufactured health crisis.

Leaders across the world have gaslit their constituents about Covid for a year. They know exactly what they’re doing. They’re all playing their parts, and getting paid handsomely for it.

And like Hancock, they’re all laughing at us – be it RTE’s retirement partying or the Irish Government Golf Dinner, neither of which had masks or social distancing. Or Gavin Newsome & Nancy Pelosi’s country club dinner, or Neil Ferguson’s cross-town lockdown breaking. It’s a big laugh everywhere. And the joke is on the plebs.

We showed you last week how Ireland’s fake political opposition, Sinn Fein, were playing out their vaccine theatre with their pretend ruling party political rivals Fine Gael. It’s all theatre.

Covid cast members across the world light up the stage every day, pounding the blind with repetitive fear-porn. From Ireland’s treasonous Prime Minister Micheal Martin, to Ireland’s swamp creature of a health minister Stephen Donnelly, to international hidden-hand pharma-criminal Antony Fauci, to Oxford University Cabalist Boris Johnson…it’s one big production. National TV & print ‘news’ media like RTE, Irish Times, BBC, CNN and ITV are all co-producers, pulling the levers behind the curtain.

Click image to download

This above all: to thine own self be true…

(Hamlet, Act 1, Scene 3)

Unless of course you actually believe a guy called William Shakespeare really did get the first vaccine, and the UK health secretary wasn’t pretending to cry while laughing at you.

In which case, best just roll up your sleeve and get it over and done with.

We’re being censored & shut down on Facebook & Twitter for telling the truth. We rely on our readers to share our work, thank you.


Shut down & shadow-banned on social media, the truth needs you to share it.
Michael J. Sullivan

Michael J. Sullivan

Absolutely sick of it.

Articles: 112
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13 December 2020 5:42 am

These people are evil,there isn’t a stronger word for them,they are carrying out a very well thought out plan,and it seems not too many can see it.2 Thessalonians 2:9-12 comes to mind.
Also this video–> from March 2020,is an eye opener.

Last edited 3 years ago by Seamus
13 December 2020 11:13 pm

At some point those of us who see this corrupt nonsense for what it is are going to need to talk to one another, in person, organise with each other, potentially trade with one another and begin building parallel systems that are an alternative to the coming corporate-fascism. All politicians, media, big business are against us. Most people are asleep and want to go back to the pub, there will be no going back to 2019, in my local town I see very, very few people not wearing masks around the shops, I see kids with masks on, it is sickening, online we can find people who agree with us… we need this in 3 D reality. The next few years are going to be a constant stream of propaganda intended to dissociate people from reality and embed constant fear in their head and heart, we must all reject this with every choice we make and embody our sovereignty as human beings with all our actions. They are doomed to fail but will cause the worst confusion and heartache for those unprepared and sleeping. Talk to your family, prepare yourself, live without fear.

13 December 2020 11:57 pm
Reply to  James

Yep couldn’t agree more. Pure evil is going on and people need to organise and talk to like minded folks as much as possible

16 December 2020 9:43 pm
Reply to  James

Exact same where I am ; masks everywhere, people still afraid to come out, non-maskers (me) viewed as being pariahs, willingness and want to be vaccinated, etc, etc. It’s these people that are unwittingly ushering in the era of enslavement and dragging the rest of us down with them. Where, oh where, is it all going to end ?

Maria Luisa Somerville
Maria Luisa Somerville
13 December 2020 7:28 am

A reset of the global wealth has put immense capital into the pockets of a few oligarchs who now have the power to stage such a plandemic theatre show in the entire world with the assistance of the CCP. It’s as clear as water !! The masses must wake up !!! I hope it’s not too late. We need Trump as president another four years … and we must insist he drains the swamp of evil and corruption on the entire planet! If not the gates of the US and the world will be flung wide open for communism and the enslavement of all a but few! I also hope that Trump’s vaccine programme is necessary political talk … that the vaccine will be voluntary and available only for the frightened sheep who believe in the plandemic!!!!!!

Des Somerville
Des Somerville
13 December 2020 7:49 am

The orchestrators as well as the participants in the plandemic should be judged and dealt with as did the Bourgeoisie in the French Revolution !!!

13 December 2020 8:55 am

Is William Shakespeare…still dead?

13 December 2020 9:58 am
Reply to  Hugh

I hear he voted for Biden then died of long Covid.

13 December 2020 1:24 pm


13 December 2020 11:11 pm

The next ones were given to
Hugh G Rection
Jenna Talia
Lord York Hunt

13 December 2020 1:37 pm

Man up son.

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