Irish & International News Analysis
Irish & International News Analysis
Category Investigations

Stephen Donnelly: McKinsey’s Irish Manchurian Candidate…
Watch the Trailer below first… Section Jump links Please take a minute share this work in your networks if you approve – we have been shut down on Facebook & Twitter. Thank you. Released in 1962, ‘The Manchurian Candidate’ was…

Caught Red Handed: How RTE Broke The 2009 Broadcasting Act
Key Points: proves with a recorded phone call to RTE’s Newsdesk that the Irish state broadcaster RTE is guilty of multiple crimes under law. RTE are legally obliged to report relevant news to the Irish people under the 2009…

Luke O’Neill The Vaccine Man Doorstepped And Caught Rapid…
Quick comic hit on Luke O’Neill the vaccine man. You may remember Luke O’Neill from such classic Irish Government disinformation networks as RTE, and Denis O’Brien’s Newstalk. He’s never off either of them. You’ll notice Luke doesn’t seem too bothered…

The Emperor Has No Covid-19 – Long Read
You have to know the past, to understand the present. – Carl Sagan: astronomer, planetary scientist, cosmologist, astrophysicist, astrobiologist, author & poet (Feel free to use this image anywhere, link here – ) – Illustration by Carla Millar This article was kindly…
Tourism Ireland Wastes Over 1 Million Euro on Covid-19 Research…
Check our our home page for investigative news and opinion you won’t get anywhere else Key points: Etenders is a bottomless pit for Irish Government spending waste In May 2020, Tourism Ireland created and awarded a frivolous tender to the…

Is Luke O’Neill a Trojan Horse for Mandatory Vaccines? – Special Report –
Check our our home page for real news that actually matters for Ireland – comments section below, no registration required Summary Feel free to use this image anywhere online or otherwise, under creative commons, link above image. Interesting threads hang from the unravelling…

FEATURED: Irish Nursing Homes – Politicians Knowingly Put Elderly People to Death
Check our our home page for real news that actually matters for Ireland One of the (many) stories that the samestream media in Ireland refuse to cover in any meaningful detail, is the nursing home deaths resulting from Irish government…