FEATURED: Irish Nursing Homes – Politicians Knowingly Put Elderly People to Death

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One of the (many) stories that the samestream media in Ireland refuse to cover in any meaningful detail, is the nursing home deaths resulting from Irish government Covid-19 directions.

(in a hurry? Scroll for the March 20th Italian government data releases)

In summary – the Irish Government was in possession of Italian data that would have prevented Nursing home deaths, if acted upon.

At the height of the media-driven covid-hysteria, detailed instructions were given by senior ministers and health department technocrats to send infected patients from empty hospitals to nursing homes.

Their directions arguably resulted in many needless deaths. The Irish government and health service were in possession of knowledge that if acted upon, would have prevented many of those deaths. RTE (mandated to tell the Irish people of relevant news, under the 2009 broadcasting act) also knew. As did Newstalk, and the Irish Times: none reported the data releases.

  • According to official government figures, between March 1 and May 6, a total of 534 sick elderly patients were discharged from semi-closed hospitals in Ireland and moved to nursing homes, under instructions from the Irish Government and senior health department officials
  • This was done during a ‘life-threatening pandemic’, to paraphrase the words of the Irish Government and health department (and a mainstream media that has done nothing but parrot the government line and asked zero questions since January).
  • We also know by simple deduction from official HSE figures ( released 2nd September 2020, page 11) **edit, this document was removed by the HSE because it exposed the truth, but we found the details are still published on the Irish Sentinel Website here (thankfully)**, that hospitals were never at full capacity during the crisis: it is well known that hospitals were closed to regular admissions. We also know from a Freedom of information request Freepress.ie did, that the hospitals were half empty.

Links to report released April 2021: Related to the fact they knowingly sent elderly people to their deaths, out of acute hospitals that were managing their ongoing chronic illnesses, to boost the numbers of Covid deaths and drive the pandemic/vaccine narrative

We also know from multiple citizen video sources that hospitals were virtually empty (see Dublin’s James’ hospital below on March 30th – there were many videos like this of several Irish hospitals – mixed in with the hundreds of videos of nurses & doctors dancing in elaborately choreographed set-pieces). (update 2022: video has been censored)

  • In early March, with Irish media-hysteria at fever pitch, the Italian government health department (iss.it – , which is like Ireland’s Health Service Executive (HSE) ) released detailed statistical breakdowns that included extensive details of anyone who had died ‘with’ Coronavirus in Italy.
  • These collated statistical death card breakdowns showed conclusively that the people at risk from this new viral threat were: average age 82; and that 98%+ had at least one or more chronic illnesses in the five years prior to their death (these chronic illnesses are listed in the chart from March, available for download below).
  • It is important to note that the Italian health service emphasised that deaths were WITH not OF the virus at the time : The Italian Coronavirus surveillance institute said this on official video in March that freepress.ie has copies of.
  • The reports were released every two/three days starting in mid March, and at first included upwards of 3000 dead Italians testing positive. Today, you can find the accumulated report at this link on the Italian government health website. Only the accumulated report is available on that site. The March 20th individual report was saved by freepress.ie along with many others, and is available for download below. Over 35,000 people have so far tested positive and also died since the emergency began.
  • These statistical reports are very digestible – you don’t need to be a whizz at maths to understand them. As of today’s report, over 96% of all deaths in Italy (that also tested positve WITH Covid) had one or more serious (listed) health conditions. Average age was 80, and for context, Italian life-expectancy is 82.

Sample images from the March 20 Italian government report

  • italian corona death reports iss.it march 20
  • Various TD’s and Government ministers (from all the main parties including Sinn Fein) were made aware of these reports by Irish citizens, on the record via recorded phone calls and emails. There are records of Fine Gael, Fine Fail, and Sinn Fein Offices being informed of these reports.
  • No one raised them for interrogation, many elderly people died, many more are suffering isolation, and our economy is destroyed. Sinn Fein & ‘People Before Profit’ are still playing politics with unscientific lockdowns and mask mandates, claiming to be ‘protecting workers’, while ignoring the actual science and ironically, tens of thousands of job-losses. They’re also asking zero real questions, and approving everything the government spins on this manufactured crisis.
  • Despite having this knowledge of the Italian dataset, the Irish government still sent infected people to nursing homes, where they knew the most vulnerable section of Irish society lived in large numbers in close proximity. This couldn’t be more clear.

An unknown virus was sweeping the world in early March, Governments had zero information on it. The Italian health service was the first place to be hit after Wuhan. Notwithstanding the fact that the exact same situation happened in Italy in 2018 (link to Italian news site to back that up here), the fact is that the eyes of the world were watching Italy.

The 8th largest economy in the world, with a rich history of scientific and medical contribution, birthplace of the renaissance, and key EU member, was releasing daily data on how this new virus was presenting in their hospitals.

It is difficult to imagine that the Irish Government and health technocrats did not know about the Italian data releases. It is reasonable to assume that ALL European governments knew. Yet Sweden seems to be the only country that acted accordingly.

There are now real arguments for prosecutions of serving Irish ministers and civil servants and health professionals. For involuntary manslaughter, or worse. Ireland has the second worst rate of nursing home deaths in the world with over 60% of associated deaths happening in nursing homes. To note, those figures were released AFTER the recent data releases by the Irish health department – see bullet 3 above). The numbers are constantly changing and being re-interpreted to cover the changing narrative.

Globally, Ireland is only better than Canada in this respect, where over eighty percent of deaths have happened in care facilities. For comparison, the U.S. rate was 41 percent in June.

The US department of justice has opened investigations into four Democrat-run states’ nursing home Covid-policies: this is the same democrat party that the Irish mainstream media adore (RTE in particular), and which Ireland’s three main political parties have heavy ties to.

The question is not why Irish elderly people weren’t tested – as has been presented in mainstream media outlets, and by the heads of nursing homes.

The question is, why were they moved from acute-care hospitals, when the hospitals were relatively empty, and government decision makers possessed the Italian data?

Data that clearly showed that nursing home residents were most (almost exclusively) at risk of dying.

This decision was taken at a number of levels.

The Irish Government and Health department have set up several review boards in the wake of this simmering scandal – many of them staffed by the same people that presided over the situation in the first place.

Senior ministers and officials need to go on the record about knowledge of the Italian Data releases. Indeed, this question needs to be asked at a national level across the Western world.

Let us also remember that many of those who died were paying for their care under the grossly unfair ‘Fair Deal’ system, which has been a boon for the private nursing home industry. The owners of those nursing homes most definitely benefited financially from having such a mass die off.

Criminal prosecutions may be warranted at both the ministerial and civil service level, as well as at RTE under the 2009 Broadcasting act because they neglected to report it, and were also informed. More on that soon.

It may be time for several HSE, Irish department of health senior staff, and NPHET technocrats, to Lwyrup. If they haven’t already done so.

There is more that the government are not telling the Irish people in relation to Covid-19, and the absence of true facts underpinning their unscientific lockdowns and questionable mask mandates is becoming more apparent by the day.

Misrepresenting rising cases as a cause for a second economically disastrous lockdown, with the associated devastating effects on mental and physical health, is just the tip of the iceberg with these people. By their own statistics no one is dying of this coronavirus anymore, if they ever were dying in the first place.

Shut down & shadow-banned on social media, the truth needs you to share it.
Michael J. Sullivan

Michael J. Sullivan

Absolutely sick of it.

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