Irish & International News Analysis
Irish & International News Analysis
Category Big Pharma
Mary Lou McDonald’s Puppy David Cullinane Puppets For Simon Harris…
Key Points: Cullinane is back to light up the political acting stage once again, virtue-signaling for his master Mary Lou McDonald and for Simon Harris’s vaccine scam We take a look at Cullinane’s political acting showreel, with highlights from “Up…
How A Covid-19 Vaccine Poll Becomes A Big Pharma Propaganda Tool…
Key Points: TD, MP, Minister and Pharma lobbyist Simon Harris, is out pushing his drugs again The media are using a new vaccine poll to manipulate people into more fear, and into looking favourably towards unnecessary risky vaccines The guy…
The Emperor Has No Covid-19 – Long Read
You have to know the past, to understand the present. – Carl Sagan: astronomer, planetary scientist, cosmologist, astrophysicist, astrobiologist, author & poet (Feel free to use this image anywhere, link here – ) – Illustration by Carla Millar This article was kindly…
Mary Lou McDonald And The Covid-19 Vaccine Connection…
The broad strokes… Mary Lou McDonald’s sister & Vaccitech Ltd. (& Astrazeneca Pharmaceuticals) Mary Lou McDonald is the leader of Sinn Fein – Ireland’s main opposition political party, who we contend are controlled opposition to control Ireland’s working classes. Mary…
The Mother & Baby Home Political Coverup – Two Reasons Why…
Our links are green – Check our home page for unbiased Irish News & Opinion The Broad strokes We explain the origins of the Mother & Baby Homes coverup scandal and the bill the Irish Government are using to suppress…
Lockdowns – How Many Irish Politicians Are Being Bribed By China?…
Understand American politics, to understand Ireland. This is a bombshell. You can understand everything about lockdowns if you understand China, the Pharmaceutical Vaccine Gold-rush, Chinese Blackmail, and Chinese Bribes. Learn about your world, watch this video. There’s a hard drive…
Medical Professionals expose Sinn Fein, Media, & Mehole Martin’s lies…
Let’s keep hammering the truth home. Share this! We don’t run ads. We show people the truth. UPDATE 20 OCTOBER – AS YOUC AN SEE, YOUTUBE HAE REMOVED ANOTHER VIDEO. HERE IT IS ON BITCHUTE. YOUTUBE AND GOOGLE ARE CENSORING…
Level 5 lockdown – Four reasons why NPHET want it…
Updated October 16th – Sunday night, the 4th of October. The Knights of NPHET characteristically dropped another bombshell on an unsuspecting Irish public. NPHET are to Ireland, what SAGE are to the UK. Deep state Pharma operatives essentially, running a…
Why Lockdowns? The Irish Government are now a Narco-State
Please share. We don’t have any ads; our motivation is to stop the madness. The threat is very real. Playtime is over. Tonight, we explain why the Irish FFGG NPHET Narco-State has ratcheted up the tyranny to fever pitch. This…
Is Luke O’Neill a Trojan Horse for Mandatory Vaccines? – Special Report –
Check our our home page for real news that actually matters for Ireland – comments section below, no registration required Summary Feel free to use this image anywhere online or otherwise, under creative commons, link above image. Interesting threads hang from the unravelling…
US CDC – “NO real reduction in VIRAL transmission with face-masks”
Check our our home page for real news that actually matters for Ireland This is the science that the Irish mainstream media and Government are willfully not reporting to the Irish public. This is the only piece of research you’ll ever need to…