10,000 pageviews in 2 weeks – Thanks to our 5,680 new readers

Check our our home page for real news that actually matters for Ireland – comments below article

A quick post – thank you to our readers and those spreading the good word and sharing what we are doing. We couldn’t do it without you.

We are simply about truth, honesty, and helping to shine a light on the darkness…a duty the Irish mainstream media deliberately and consistently fails to honour: choosing instead to mislead and divide a nation.

Our latest Google Analytics report after two weeks in operation

We’ve been around just two weeks, and we have broken the 10,000 pageview milestone.

Traffic is phenomenal, and all we’re doing is telling the truth and telling it like it is, with no Ads, and no Government Covid propaganda money.

And there’s plenty more to come. #bebrave

Shut down & shadow-banned on social media, the truth needs you to share it.
Michael J. Sullivan

Michael J. Sullivan

Absolutely sick of it.

Articles: 114
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