Professor Luke O’Neill wants to get into your childrens bodies and minds…

Recently we show showed you how Luke O Neill the vaccine man is completely compromised in relation to pushing fear across Ireland to sell vaccines.

Here’s a video by Ivor Cummins exposing how he was allowed into a working class school two weeks ago in Ireland by the occultist-run Waterford education board.

They chose a working class tech school for a reason – they figured the parents would be less likely to complain.

In this brainwashing exercise on Irish children, he advocated mandatory vaccines, ID bracelets, and he preys on children’s fears about masks.

When will this organised criminal be put in jail? When will the parents of Irish children wake up to this scammer? He has driven fear across Newstalk and the corrupt RTE since January, ignoring the real science on facemasks and the virus, and pushing fear to enrich his financial backers who benefit if vaccine programs are rolled out.

Luke O'Neill The Vaccine Man Doorstepped And Caught Rapid
O Neill caught on camera – click for post
Luke O’Neill and Sytryx – click for post
Shut down & shadow-banned on social media, the truth needs you to share it.
Michael J. Sullivan

Michael J. Sullivan

Absolutely sick of it.

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